EU Constitution, Round 1
Once again we are lucky to have the House of Lords, they will almost certainly be putting in amendments to force the parties in the commons to actually follow their manifesto pledges, and next time this comes back to the commons the Lib-Dems might be voting for it which with a rebellion amongst Labour ranks could even have a referendum on Lisbon forced upon the political elite, as they promised but as only a few really want. If there is no rebellion it will certainly be fun to watch this Bill bounce between Commons and Lords with their Lordships trying to keep the elected chamber to their electoral promises. It will certainly show up the contempt that the general public are held should it eventually reach the stage where Gordon Brown is forced to use the Parliament Act in order to break one of his manifesto pledges.
The rebellion over the
How depressing is all this talk about the intricacies of governmental admin.
When will the politicians get around to suggesting how to make our lives better? For example, how to deal with rural regeneration?
All they ever do is make more laws (always restrictive) or taxes (always debilitating).
Hardly a recipe for a better world :-(
In any case, take a look at Free Europe Constitution and tell your friends to do the same - and vote YES!
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